South Worcestershire Joint Core Strategy


I have have just received an acknowledgement of my response to the SWJCS consultation from an ominously-named Ms Telford ! As someone who feels that Worcester is a historic city, with an important Victorian heritage, and aspirations to be a new town, Ms Telford sounds more than a wee bit Orwellian.

A Case of Identity Theft & False Address ?


Local police in Worcester are believed to be searching for an identity thief by the name of Mr Casper (or Kaspar). An encounter today may throw some light on his whereabouts.

Kaspar, a cat, was spotted illicitly entering a show-home after parading in front of Casper, a dog. The dog owner claims Kaspar has been named after Casper. Both creatures are foreign breeds.

One can only presume that Kaspar is looking for a new address, possibly a false one.