Why This Witch Won’t Be Voting For The New Green Man


Today marks the Festival of Beltane, which many associate with The Green Man. However, sighting the Green Party candidate for Worcester this morning wasn’t a cause for celebration.

Worcester is currently under threat from the creation of an “Edge City” at, amongst other peripheral places,  Junction 6 on the M5 Motorway, a theme on which I have posted previously. Indeed it was the prospect of this patently unsustainable form of development that “inspired” The Witch of Worcester’s Blog. 

Now the Green Party Candidate – or New Green Man – works for Worcester’s largest employer, which I take to be Worcester Bosch*, apparently one of the main drivers for New Worcester, as I’ll call it.

However, instead of encouraging his employer to encourage more sustainable development options, New Green Man is keeping quiet, along with all the other New Green People.

* Along with Regional Development Agency, Advantage West Midlands, the source of a load of Old Green Bosh on the subject of sustainability.